SoC Resouces

This is but a series of collated links and information, specific to SoC regarding some of the resources that being part of Computing entails you to.

UNIX workshop

Workshop Slides for a short run through and walkthrough on how to get oriented to the unix operating system and sunfire account

Did you know you can google soc unix to find interesting results

Unix Workshop 2014

Unix Workshop 2013

Unix Workshop 2012

UNIX | Sunfire Account Initalization

Probably one of the most important tool used in computing, from submiting practicals to disturbing your friends | cancelling print jobs... Note, you only get to pick your id once, and after that it will be sticking with you for your stay in NUS. ONE USE ONLY

Initalize new Unix Account

MySoc Resource Services

School of Computing provides their students will the resources to learn on their own time, own target the interesting thing outside just normal programming. Here are some of the available resources

MySoc Resource Guide to Personal Zone Guide to Compute Cluster


What is a computing student without his or her software? Below is one of the ways to get your hands on some much needed software.


Shared Drive Storage

In SoC, you get a shared drive space of 4MB. This space is accessible by every computer you log in in NUS, as well as available via the internet on any browser!

NUS H Drive

SoC Wiki

Wiki for almost everything in NUS SoC. This includes the explanation for the few obscure stuff on this collage

SoC Wiki


Webcasts of NUS Lectures and more! There is an android app for this, super useful to check out other open lectures, to learn more things in your free time, when you have insomnia...


Venue Booking

Need a place to discuss your projects in a more condusive place? Or just booking the sports hall for a sport activity? Here's where.

Room Booking

Sports Booking

Online Code Repositiory - Students

For bigger projects that require code to be worked upon with multiple group mates, personal pet projects, or just plain *coughhomeworkcough* code sharing


Git for Students

Setting up your own Personal Homepage on your Unix Account

Like how all these pages are hosted on my unix sunfire account, you can do the same too!

Wiki: step on own homepage